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Rape is not just physical, it is too energetically

Rape is not just physical, it is too energetically. When people overstep your boundaries and violate your space, your energy, your mind, this is a form of rape. Through time, working with all my clients, I have heard so many stories of the ways that they were violated energetically. People tend to think that this is not that drastic, but it is. If anything, an energetic violation can at times go even deeper through the multidimensions of the soul. A person who is intentionally causing harm, because their thoughts and energy vibrate to this lower vibration, can do so by looking deeply into someone’s eyes, by writing a negative comment, by speaking directly about someone in an ill intent, by...

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I Had A Dream of President Donald Trump

I AM Aurora of the Galactics🔥 Before I share the dream, let me ensure that I am extremely transparent. If you are unfamiliar with my work I shall start off with that I have no interest nor consent to your false light news connected to News Media such as CNN, ABC, New York Times, Washington Post, etc ... I am not one who cares to listen to anyone or any collective entity telling me what I should believe that someone's character is like. I instead work hard within my heart to ensure I am the ONLY one who decides if a character is false or is working from a pure intent. News Media is the biggest program funded for humanity...

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The Revelation Is Now

I AM RA, I AM RA, I AM RA🔥 Greetings. In this time and space as you are aware the Earth is going through a collective 'Revelation'. These are the very times that Jesus/Yeshua spoke upon in his original forms of writing through The Holy Bible. Understanding though that we are not speaking of your current Bible as that has been infringed upon strongly through the Illuminati and negative aliens. For the purposes of mind control, programming in harmful ways of removing people's sovereignty to not come into a realization of their through Creator power. We have all been waiting for what seems like an eternity for this very moment in time. It has taken us 4 Earth cycles and resets...

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The Earth Transmutes Today

Aurora🔥 The Galactics. The Earth is transmuting as the asteroid/the Phoenix passes near by our orbiting energetic hemisphere. Change is occurring throughout all false illusions of your construct. As it passes it as a magnet, etheric fire pulling this unbalance off of Mother Earth, and also disperses universal upgrades in forms of energetic crystallizations for all who choose to tap in whether subconsciously or consciously. For more details on the power of this asteroid and its role and consistency in aiding the shifting of this timeline into its organic structure, click the video below. Today we shall add more on what has already been shared.  We would like to also address more on USA's President Donald Trump. As all is unraveling...

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Orchestrated Actors

  Aurora🔥The Galactics. Stop giving people your information just because they ask or they make it seem that is for safety, it is not! Just like this police officer here in these images began a riot, there are many out there getting paid good money to act to riot, protest, survey you to distract us from the truth. To cause anger, rage in the collective and the negative entities feed off it and unbalance the collective. There are groups that the illuminati/influential leaders have and are paying to go town by town to vandalize each town. What the Galactics showed me is that a vast majority of these groups are drug lords that run cartels and their subordinates. Some of...

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