I AM Aurora of the Galactics🔥 Before I share the dream, let me ensure that I am extremely transparent. If you are unfamiliar with my work I shall start off with that I have no interest nor consent to your false light news connected to News Media such as CNN, ABC, New York Times, Washington Post, etc ... I am not one who cares to listen to anyone or any collective entity telling me what I should believe that someone's character is like. I instead work hard within my heart to ensure I am the ONLY one who decides if a character is false or is working from a pure intent. News Media is the biggest program funded for humanity...
We are The Galactics. The answer is yet so simple however still so difficult to understand as it requires much processing within one's beliefs and self growth. First ask yourself, “If President Trump is controlled by 'the illuminati, the elites' that run this world through their corrupted systems, why would he be leading task forces to continually crack down on rings of abducted children victims of Sex & Human Trafficking?” That's right only a president that wasn't controlled by the illuminati would go against Human trafficking, would oppose against their needed feeding through this power. All other Presidents that went before him were controlled in different forms or were directly the illuminati themselves. Who are the Illuminati? They are negative...