Frequently Asked Questions

Contact Directly:
1. How can I reach AuroRa directly? Aurora replies to all emails typically within 24 hours, you can email her at:
2. Does AuroRa have a waiting list? AuroRa does not have a waiting list for any of her services. However, for A.U.R.A. Hypnosis Healing sessions she does offer "Priority A.U.R.A. Hypnosis Session Within 60 days". If it is out of stock that means the next 60 days have booked up. Openings are available monthly so keep an eye out.
3. Can AuroRa answer questions that I have? AuroRa does not answer personal or collective questions through email or any type of messaging platform. These are the ways that you can receive answers to your questions:
- Live Retreats & Workshops: Certifications for A.U.R.A. Hypnosis & R.A.A.H. Reiki Healing
- One-on-one classes with AuroRa through courses: Rising Phoenix Mystery School
- Sessions: Quantum Galactic Akashic Readings, R.A.A.H. Reiki Healing, A.U.R.A. Hypnosis Healing
- YouTube Live Videos, every Friday 1pm central time. You can add your questions to the weekly events when they are posted under Patreon, Facebook, Instagram, Telegram, MeWe.
- Patreon: Monthly private 'Live Q&A and Guided Meditation' lead by AuroRa, Tier $4.44.
- Other Live Courses: Isis Priestess/Priest Mentorship & Quantum Galactic Akashic Reading Certification.
Breakdown To All Rising Phoenix Mystery School Courses:
To watch a video on the entire breakdown to the Rising Phoenix Mystery School courses click here.
Which course do I choose?
AuroRa teaches all courses Live Online or In-Person. You can also choose to sign-up for all courses at your own pace, which will include one-on-one classes with AuroRa.
All of the courses mentioned below have payment plans available under Patreon.
Here is a list of all courses whether taught live or at your own pace. Simply click the name below:
- A.U.R.A. Hypnosis Healing Certification - Live In-Person
- A.U.R.A. Hypnosis Healing Certification - Live Online Workshop
- A.U.R.A. Hypnosis Healing Certification - At My Own Pace Online: Individually or Package Mentorship
- R.A.A.H. Reiki Healing Certification - Live In-Person
- R.A.A.H. Reiki Healing Certification - Live Online Workshop
- R.A.A.H. Reiki Healing Certification - At My Own Pace Online: Individually or Package Mentorship
- Quantum Galactic Akashic Reading Certification - Live Online
- Quantum Galactic Akashic Reading Certification - At My Own Pace Online: Individually or Package Mentorship
- Isis Priestess/Priest Mentorship Certification - Live Online
- Isis Priestess/Priest Mentorship Certification - At My Own Pace Online: Individually or Package Mentorship
A.U.R.A. Hypnosis Healing Session:
1. Where would my A.U.R.A. Hypnosis session be located if I am traveling to you? We are located in the greater Chicagoland area, in Illinois, between Midway International Airport 10 miles away, and O’Hare International Airport 26 miles away.
2. Can my A.U.R.A. Hypnosis session be done online? Absolutely! Energy is multidimensional and infinite, therefore it can be felt on the other side of the world at the same exact moment in time. Similar to when we travel to our past life’s, we are tapping into this energy which is infinite through the Quantum Realm. Your soul/higher self takes care of you from beginning to end.
3. Do I have to be able to visualize to have a successful A.U.R.A. Hypnosis session? No, everyone is beautifully unique, therefore you may receive messages, and answers from your Higher Self through sensing, feeling, knowing, hearing, viewing, emotions...
4. Can A.U.R.A. Hypnosis Healing, past life regression, entity removal heal the Covid-19 Vaccine? YES IT CAN! Read below all that it can begin the self-healing in. Depending on how many Covid-19 vaccines and boosters you have received, and how long ago you have received these, will indicate how many A.U.R.A. Hypnosis Healing sessions you will require. Some can self-heal through the first session, and some will need two or three, varying on how ready they are to allow the surrender for their self-healing.
Keeping our clients anonymous, click here to see some of the people who have already self-healed the Covid-19 vaccine. You will see them speaking through these video testimonials beginning from 2021, among others who have not received the Covid-19 vaccine, but you will not be able to tell that they have received the Covid-19 vaccine because they are already self-healed.
Being that A.U.R.A. Hypnosis Healing is an ENTITY REMOVAL technique, it is profoundly able to bridge forth the list below of self-healing during the Body Scan:
Damage from all types of vaccines, A.I., illnesses, disease, vision, dental health, regrow teeth, age regress 5-15 yrs, DNA repair, blocked or misaligned chakras, issues with auric field, negative cords, negative implants, hooks, portals, removal of entities, Reptilian Consciousness or Archons, fragmented soul, removal of negative contracts, and traumas from current or past life.
Clients at times are able to begin the self-healing process of illness, cancer, diabetes, Multiple Sclerosis, Epstein-Barr Virus, disease, disorders, grow teeth, heal spines, blindness, tumors, hips, organs, bones, expand spiritual gifts...
5. Are there other sessions AuroRa offers that I can prepare with for an A.U.R.A. Hypnosis session? Yes, Quantum Galactic Akashic Reading, R.A.A.H Reiki Angelic Alchemy Healing or a Quantum Galactic Akashic Reading with Third Eye Energy Work. We also highly recommend any of our courses in preparation as well, which will assist you profoundly in your spiritual development. These are found through our Rising Phoenix Mystery School.
6. Can you recommend a Meditation Technique to began to prepare? Click here to 2 Meditation Suggestions.
7. Who is the Higher Self? It is that little voice inside your mind and heart, that has been trying to guide you all your life. That voice that tries to warn you, steer you a certain path that is for your highest good, that sounds like your voice, that knows things that you don’t understand how it knows. At the beginning of our Creation, the Creator fractlized into many, from that connection those fractals became the Higher Self/Over Souls. Therefore, the Higher Self is the YOU that is connected to the ALL in organic oneness, your soul that holds all the answers, wisdom, self-healing potentials, and knowledge you have been in search for all your life.
8. Do I have control once I am hypnotized? Absolutely! Your higher self/soul is the overseer of the entire session, and is in charge from beginning to end. They decide what past life they will be showing you for your highest healing. Through this technique your Higher Self protects you with its infinite Source Love-light energy conducted during the sacred energy work, before the hypnosis induction. You are here because your Higher Self in the Spirit realm has already contacted my Higher Self, asking if we would aid you through an A.U.R.A. Hypnosis Healing session. You are now just bringing it into fruition physically, for it has already been created spiritually and energetically by you/your Higher Self.
9. Can I have a list to prepare for an A.U.R.A. Hypnosis session? Click here to 13 ways to prepare.
10. What is the biggest significance, that sets A.U.R.A. Hypnosis Healing Technique apart from other past life regression techniques? Before the induction begins, in order to enter hypnosis at the deepest most profound level, we conduct sacred energy work in union with your Higher Self to release the access negative energy that is not needed, that might be causing blockages. Therefore, there is less interference from your ego, and there is a Higher Self energetic bridge connection from the beginning of the session. This equals a deeper connection, and Quantum Healing.
11. Can I or someone else be a surrogate for a session? Yes, absolutely. The Higher Self will connect to the persons Higher Self in need of healing through the session. There we ask for permission for the conducting of the healing. The Higher Self of the person receiving healing typically agrees to some form of healing depending on the circumstance.
R.A.A.H Reiki Angelic Alchemy Healing Session
1. What do I need to do to prepare for a R.A.A.H. Healing session? Follow this link: 13 ways to Prepare for a R.A.A.H.
2. What can be self-healed? A detailed Body Scan will be performed on you. Being that R.A.A.H. Reiki Healing is an ENTITY REMOVAL technique, it is profoundly able to bridge forth the list below of self-healing during the client's Body Scan:
Damage from all types of vaccines, A.I., illnesses, disease, vision, DNA repair, blocked or misaligned chakras, issues with auric field, negative cords, negative implants, hooks, portals, removal of entities, fragmented soul, removal of negative contracts, and traumas from current or past life.
3. Can a R.A.A.H. Reiki Healing session, entity removal technique heal the Covid-19 Vaccine? YES IT CAN INITIATE THE BEGINNING SELF-HEALING! Read the above question to all that it can begin the self-healing in. Depending on how many Covid-19 vaccines and boosters you have received, and how long ago you have received these, will indicate how many A.U.R.A. Hypnosis Healing sessions you will require. Some can self-heal through the first A.U.R.A. Hypnosis Healing session, and some will need two or three, varying on how ready they are to allow the surrender for their self-healing.
Keeping our clients anonymous, click here to see some of the people who have already self-healed the Covid-19 vaccine. You will see them speaking through these video testimonials beginning from 2021, among others who have not received the Covid-19 vaccine, but you will not be able to tell that they have received the Covid-19 vaccine because they are already self-healed.
4. Who and what can R.A.A.H. Reiki be performed on? Clients of all ages, all animals, the land, and homes. Examples: our own children whom received immunization shots, our spouses who are not or are partially awakened, our animals who have illnesses, those in Hospice to aid their transition...
A.U.R.A. | R.A.A.H. | Readings | Courses:
1. What do you use to video online? I use an application called Zoom on the internet. Download Zoom prior, test the camera, mic settings, and make sure your device is fully charged.
2. Do you record our session? Yes, it is a service I provide that is of importance for your courtesy, and souls expansion. So that you may listen to it in the future when your heart desires it.
1. How do I sign up for Patreon to support "Rising Phoenix Aurora" or acquire payment plans for courses and services? Click here to look at the different Tier options on Patreon.
2. How do I change my Tier or cancel it? Go to your account profile under Patreon. Under 'Rising Phoenix Mystery School' you can change your monthly Tier at your preference or you can cancel it as well.
3. Do you offer payment plans for any of your courses, classes or an A.U.R.A. or R.A.A.H. session? Yes, click here to Patreon to sign up for a Tier of your choice, which will be the available monthly payment plans.