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We Walked With An Ascended Master - We Honor Our Elders - The Role of Loved Ones Who Pass On

In the Rising Phoenix Aurora community the Elders are honored. Today I share with you a very special A.U.R.A. practitioner who walked among us. She was looked as a Grandma figure to our community, as one who held great wisdom and love. She chose to ascend out in the Year of Dragon 2024, and honored we are to have been in her presence every day and week. In my career and the thousands I have met, she was truly one of a kind! She truly wowed me! When she would speak to us, the entire room and zoom meeting would go quiet, just to ensure that you wouldn't miss one word she would say. The energy that would echo out...

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Eclipse - There Are 2 Suns

  How can there be an eclipse occurring right now in the Southern part of the world, while we are in the Northern part not seeing it here? The answer is pretty simple, however it will wow your mind and Earthy construct, if you are open to this reality. The reason why we in the North cannot see this eclipse, is because there are 2 suns, which rotate counterclockwise above us.  Ask yourself, if there is a sun at whatever light million years away, as the school system has indoctrinated into us, wouldn’t we all be seeing the eclipse at the same time? It is day here in the North and it is day in the South right now, so...

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They Use Our Fear To Make Them Stronger - THERE IS A MACHINE IN THE GULF OF MEXICO - Man-Made Hurricanes

  Update! I am being shown that when they cloud seed, as we discussed in our live video Friday 'Modified Weather | This Time We Stand United | Nikola Tesla | Tartaria & Atlantis', when we went over how Nikola Tesla invented cloud seeding 100 years ago, that they invertedly create hurricanes, which start off at a category 1, and from there the media tell the collective of these Southern states, “We project that it will end up being a category 4 or 5!” But, they truly don’t know what category it will end up in. So, they use people’s powerful thoughts against themselves. People’s fear and thoughts are the energy that manifest the hurricane to that extremity. Without our...

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September 11th is Yeshua's True Birthday!

Happy BEARTH DAY Yeshua! September 11th, is Yeshua’s birthday! With tears in my eyes, I channel this for him from Divine Mother Mary. “My beloved son. Your sacred birth into this density was the grandest miracle achieved! The entire Multiverse held their breaths and held the space of infinite love for your birthing, so much so that the night sparkled with brightness, because of the way your soul illuminated the dark night as you descended down to us through the veil of Earth.  As you bridged forth onto Earth, our entire existence shifted within all people. Lifting the entire collective into a higher perspective of understanding, so that when the time came that you would speak to those with ears...

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The Resistance Has Begun! SAVE THE CHILDREN OF EARTH!

Are you in your heart enough to read this entire post?Are you really here to assist the children of Earth?Are you really here to assist the collective ascension?Are you really here to stand up for sovereignty and the free will of humankind?Or are you looking the other way, as you don’t want to talk about President Donald J. Trump, because you don’t want to put yourself in an uncomfortable situation with your peers or the community you are a part of? If you worry about this, then these are not truly your friends nor are they benevolent. If you shy from doing so, ask yourself, are you truly in your heart, here to assist Mother Earth and her children? We...

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