Tier 3: Isis High Priestess/Priest Mentorship $55.55

To purchase this Tier click here for Patreon.
This tier is for both Divine Feminines and Divine Masculines. It is a 6 month commitment to become "Quantum Alchemy Channeling & Energy Healing" Certified.
Open enrollment occur on May & November of every year. Classes are once a month, on the 3rd Sunday, for 2 hours, at 4:00 pm central time.
Remember the sacredness and honor to what it was to be a High Priestess or Priest, in some of the most pivotal moments of Earth's Histories. In the times of The Essenes, Lemuria, Atlantis, Greece & Egypt... This profound course activates your divine soul remembrance. The key being YOU. It is YOU, who through this sacred course self activates, self-attunes, through 'Sacred Symbol Alchemy Work'. Activating and crystallizing your 12/13 DNA strands, 12/13 chakras, and all that glory that comes with activating your souls abilities and gifts. Created intentionally, teaching you to self-heal, bringing online your crystalline bodies, in preparation for the collectives Fifth Dimensional organic timeline of Ascension.
This course is a beautiful collaboration, in sacred union with a divine, diverse team of benevolent Guides stemming from Divine Mother Sophia, Father Kryst, Arcturians, The Christ Consciousness, The Essenes, Atlantean's, Archangels/Elohim/Seraphim, Inner Earth, and Ascended Masters...
Classes & Certifications:
- "Magical Creatures Alchemy"
- "Third Eye & 12 Chakra Alchemy"
- "13 Keys Star Archangels Alchemy"
- "Crystals, Candles, Oils Alchemy"
- New! "Dream Interpretation & Sacred Sex Alchemy"
- "Quantum Alchemy Channeling" Certification
- "Quantum Alchemy Energy Healing" Certification
To read details of each of these classes click here.
To read details on "Quantum Alchemy Channeling" Certification click here.
To watch a Testimonial Video from the Isis Priestess Students click here.
What is unique about this 'Isis Priestess/Priest' mentorship is that, you are not just learning how to self heal and activate, but you will also receive:
- "Quantum Alchemy Channeling" Certification $255.55 Value
- 42 Sacred Alchemy Symbols and how to work with them
- Bonus - Infinity Viewing Symbol to amplify your clairvoyance at its greatest
- archangel 13 Key Star (the same one that Jesus/Yeshua works with)
- the Archangels, their energies, their roles, Angel Alchemy Symbols
- alchemical break down of the Eye of Horus
- how to create through 'Sacred Sex'
- Invisibility cloak and energy force fields.
- open your hand chakras & “I AM Source Love-Light".
- activate to your third eye, psychic gifts, astral travel, telepathy, and bifurcation
- to work in Delta & Theta Brainwaves through meditation/dream time
- channel your Higher Self & Benevolent Beings
- to weave through lucid dreamtime and dream interpretation
- 13 hours in class videos
- to raise, balance your frequency and vibration, working with a Toroidal Sphere
- work with Magical Creatures and their Alchemy symbols
- manifest with candle magic, oils, crystals...
- become an energy, sound, symbol, Quantum Alchemist
- Sound and symbol alchemy, through meditation, crystals, mantras.
- connect with the benevolence of creation through frequencies, vibrations, signatures, your senses within your third-eye/indigo & heart/emerald rays.
- activate your clairaudience, clairvoyance, claircognizance...
- sacred alchemy symbols that you will receive are created for each of these chakras connecting your 12/13 crystalline strand DNA...
Limited space availability. To receive all benefits you must commit to maintain this Tier with Patreon for 6 months straight. Once your 6 months is complete you will have to go under your profile and change this Tier to any other or the $4.44 or delete your Tier all together.
If you are unable to attend, the classes will be recorded to watch when convenient.
When you purchase this Tier, it includes Tier 1: Exclusive Videos, once a month Live Q&A with Aurora & Guided Meditations.
Click here to go to Rising Phoenix Aurora's Channels: YouTube, Rumble, Spotify, TikTok, Pinterest, and Odysee to get further acquainted with her work, and to watch a playlist of A.U.R.A. Hypnosis Sessions.