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Rape is not just physical, it is too energetically

Rape is not just physical, it is too energetically. When people overstep your boundaries and violate your space, your energy, your mind, this is a form of rape. Through time, working with all my clients, I have heard so many stories of the ways that they were violated energetically. People tend to think that this is not that drastic, but it is. If anything, an energetic violation can at times go even deeper through the multidimensions of the soul. A person who is intentionally causing harm, because their thoughts and energy vibrate to this lower vibration, can do so by looking deeply into someone’s eyes, by writing a negative comment, by speaking directly about someone in an ill intent, by...

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I watched the Solar Eclipse with my bare eyes and this is what happened!

Father Sun and Mother Moon are organic, so why would these celestial embodiments cause harm to look upon during an eclipse? No, instead they will bring forth the most ethereal healing you will feel in your life! This is what Divine Mother and Father have been telling us for years through our communications. I had yet to see a solar eclipse with my eyes this life, and now I have, during the April 8th, 2024 total solar eclipse! I will walk you through what both the physical and energetic eyes transform into during this divine process of looking at a solar eclipse with your bare eyes. At the beginning process of these two divine embodiments merging together I did wear...

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