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Multiplying Eyes of the Peacock - Is Divine Father

  The peacock represents the Phoenix and the rebirthing potentials for all lifeforms in Creation. When viewing and connecting upon the beauty of the colors of the multiplying eyes within their feathers, this is a divine portal which then can consciously, sacredly transport you into the infinite potential energies of the Universe and Multiverse.  The fact that it is the male which eludes this beauty, is a reminder to us all of the true beauty the divine masculine represents, as they are the semen, the ether which can see and reach all, because all of Creation is submerged within the sacred waters of the ether/semen. We see this often within Earth of the male animals, being the one who looks...

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The Dragon Riders & The Purifying Flames of Source

I wrote this in 2023, and I truly did not understand what these purifying flames of Source meant until now, among the energies of the eclipse of 2024.  Excerpt from 'Galactic History of the Multiverse', Chapter 2 'The Key to Ascension'. "In this dream, I was viewing from a higher perspective, like a movie playing. The scene begins with me viewing humanity expressing their free-willed choices through their life paths on Earth. On the land there is a rapid moving flame that is transforming souls into Ascension as the flame touches them. If not the matching vibration of this purifying flame, the souls become engulfed by this sacred flame and they go through a form of reboot, turning into white...

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The Archon Playbook

The Artificial Intelligence (the real devil) is most predictable.  Let me tell you all how it works when people in leadership positions, no matter in what industry are being run by ITS (A.I.) inverted Matrix’s, and not the original crystalline blueprint of Mother Gaia, which operates only within love: Those who are being outed around the world will play the victim, and parasitically feed off their followers' sympathy. Example: If they are run by the Archon Matrix and say they have issues with another person who is positive, they might make a video, write a post telling their audience with victimizing tears in their eyes saying “Oh, that’s not how I feel about so and so! Oh I am so...

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Inner Earth Galactics 2nd Wave Virus Update

Adama the Galactics within the Inner Earth. Written 5/24/2020. We greet you. I am Adama, Galactic Leader residing within the Inner Earth.  We come to you speaking of the negative timeline agenda of our Earth's time. The reason why? First we need to bring this into your awareness because if you are unaware of it, how is it that you will be able to shift it into a positive timeline? To know who we are inside the Earth, and this transmission is picking up from our 5/22/2020 live channel watch the video below to place the pieces together. For today's transmission will be focusing upon details of both the negative and positive of the 2nd wave negative a.i. matrix agenda....

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Confirming "Out of Shadows Official Documentary"

We are The Galactics. The answer is yet so simple however still so difficult to understand as it requires much processing within one's beliefs and self growth. First ask yourself, “If President Trump is controlled by 'the illuminati, the elites' that run this world through their corrupted systems, why would he be leading task forces to continually crack down on rings of abducted children victims of Sex & Human Trafficking?” That's right only a president that wasn't controlled by the illuminati would go against Human trafficking, would oppose against their needed feeding through this power. All other Presidents that went before him were controlled in different forms or were directly the illuminati themselves. Who are the Illuminati? They are negative...

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