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The Archon Playbook

The Artificial Intelligence (the real devil) is most predictable.  Let me tell you all how it works when people in leadership positions, no matter in what industry are being run by ITS (A.I.) inverted Matrix’s, and not the original crystalline blueprint of Mother Gaia, which operates only within love: Those who are being outed around the world will play the victim, and parasitically feed off their followers' sympathy. Example: If they are run by the Archon Matrix and say they have issues with another person who is positive, they might make a video, write a post telling their audience with victimizing tears in their eyes saying “Oh, that’s not how I feel about so and so! Oh I am so...

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The Demon Language - Light (Dark) Language

Let me explain to you what some call Light Language in the spiritual community or tongues in religion, really is. I will first share with you that I have a loved one, that when they were 8 years old, because he was living in a low vibrational home, while he was sitting in his bedroom, something all of a sudden came into him, and started taking over his body, forcibly speaking out a language foreign to him. This little boy felt violated energetically, so he fought off the entity, who was truly a demon. The little boy would tell him to get out, but it refused! It forcibly took over his vocal cords and mouth and would not stop speaking...

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Adrenochrome Satanic Church Rituals Children Pedophilia

I AM Aurora🔥 Channeled and written 7/20/2020. I remember when I was young my parents being Catholic had us go to church, and to Sunday school for our 1st communion. I remember listening to the teachers and not understanding what they were teaching us as it seemed all opposite of what I felt right in my soul. I remember being in mass and not understanding why they would have us kneel up and down, drink wine, why dunk the little baby's head in the water or how they claimed we were to worship their religion and God because of his wrath. This was not the God/Source I remembered in my heart. As I grew up I knew in my soul...

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