Galactic News — migrant clones RSS

Celebrity Mexican Human Traffickers

We have been waiting for you to out yourselves, and now you have! And, this list will continue to grow as these dark people choose their sides. Want to know where the recent 325,000 children who have gone missing, who were sex trafficked at the Mexican borders by the Biden/Harris/Obama administration? Ask these ring leaders of human traffickers, Mexican celebrities! This recent group of children are just the few who have gone missing at these borders! Look it up, these are facts in the data found in Washington. Ask these Mexican soulless celebrities where the children are at? The minute they cross the border these celebrities, in the shadow, traffic the children through their inverted systems. Each corrupt politician and...

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The Resistance Has Begun! SAVE THE CHILDREN OF EARTH!

Are you in your heart enough to read this entire post?Are you really here to assist the children of Earth?Are you really here to assist the collective ascension?Are you really here to stand up for sovereignty and the free will of humankind?Or are you looking the other way, as you don’t want to talk about President Donald J. Trump, because you don’t want to put yourself in an uncomfortable situation with your peers or the community you are a part of? If you worry about this, then these are not truly your friends nor are they benevolent. If you shy from doing so, ask yourself, are you truly in your heart, here to assist Mother Earth and her children? We...

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