If you are still questioning President Trump’s benevolence, then know that I am questioning yours, and this is why! I challenge you to keep reading. There were 300,000 children who went missing a couple months before election day 2025. This number of missing children was archived in the government database, and I want to point out strongly that this was only a couple months before Joe Biden and Kamala Harris' terms were about to end. Sadly, know that there were millions of children human sex trafficked just alone in their 4 year term, not including Obama’s 8 year term. So, this is why I question you. Looking around on social media there are still people that claim they are human with a heart who are still bashing Donald J. Trump.
Follow this link to watch a video with data and facts where Fox News explains how 75-80k of the 300,000 missing children have already been found by President Donald J. Trump’s Administration, all within days of his inauguration: https://x.com/saras76/status/1883261788399235491?s=42
I am known as Spiritual Spiritualists and I AM raw love, which means I can care less if I hurt your feelings. What I care most about is children being raped and enslaved. If you are still agitated by this literature, and you claim you are not a sheeple, zombie, or indoctrinated to an artificial system, then you will want to look quantumly within to see what demon, devil, entity or artificial intelligence is pulling your strings. As always though, I am here for all, even the densest of beings. I believe in your heart and soul, and I will continue to hold the space of Love-Light, never giving up on you, until you can shift and awaken from within this illusional Matrix simulation we are in.
Follow this link to book an A.U.R.A. Hypnosis Healing entity removal session which is one of the only known self-healing modalities through Quantum Psychics that can remove the artificial control over you from the nano and metals of the Covid-19 Vaccine: https://www.risingphoenixaurora.com/products/quantum-healing-hypnosis-angelic-universal-regression-alchemy-a-u-r-a
Here is a list of the videos I have delivered on awareness of the Covid-19 vaccine: https://www.risingphoenixaurora.com/pages/sensitive-content
If you are new to my work, do understand that I have been on the forefront of the disclosure of the New World Order since 2017, and have over 900 videos on my platforms, and I have written the “Galactic Soul History of the Universe’ book series.
Here is a link to a playlist of my work covering Donald J. Trump which began 5 years ago in 2020. As you watch the playlist know that the dates published are not correct because most of these videos were removed from YouTube as they were strongly censoring our content:
For me to have attended in-person the Donald J. Trump inauguration and MAHA Robert Kennedy Jr Ball events were truly celestial and tremendous events! It was profound to be at the epicenter of it all!
Thank you to all my viewers throughout all the years that made this happen! For trusting my future vision, and oracle abilities of the timelines I was seeing of the future, where Donald J. Trump followed through in beginning the process of eradicating all the negative agendas of the New World Order! Thank you Trump for signing within 24 hours of his inauguration over 200 executive orders transmuting all the tyranny of Obama, Biden and Harris for 4 years!
Here are just a few of the executive orders, word per word of what I saw would come to be, when speaking with the listeners beginning from back then when Trump was the world's most hated man! I lost lots of subscribers, and put up with a lot of hate, but I never faltered from my knowing of this future most positive timeline for the collective and the children of Earth!
1. No more indoctrinating children in the school system to be gay, transgender, non-binary or to think they are a dog or cat
2. Find the 300,000 and more missing children
3. Stop the migrant clones made from Covid swabs coming through the borders
5. Releasing those from their cells or house arrests who simply just loved Donald J. Trump
6. The cartels of smuggling drugs and sex trafficking children are now classified as terrorists and the list goes on and on…
I have always made it clear that it was the migrant clones made from people's DNA collected for years from the Covid-19 swabs, that they were who were violating people and they needed to be removed. And, have always said that there are immigrants who are beautiful people who are not the migrant clones.
As far as President Donald J. Trump, instead of placing blame on him, think about whose mess he is cleaning up, Biden, Harris, Obama and Clinton's. I personally would not want his role, as how can you tell within deportation who is the bad migrant clone? A normal person who does not know how to use their spiritual abilities would not be able to tell. Sending love to all people and the world!
Ultimately, it has always been about saving the children of Earth from sex trafficking, that the previous administration has been leading for too long! Let us not get distracted, and instead focus on the fact that children are not being openly sold for sex slavery, and instead they are being saved by this benevolent administration.
Watch 'Cosmic Mother Rising ~ The Fall of the Clones and The Rise of the Dragons!': https://rumble.com/v4d1umq-cosmic-mother-rising-the-fall-of-the-clones-and-the-rise-of-the-dragons.html?e9s=src_v1_upp
Here is another fact of Trump’s benevolence. In this video he is visiting the North Carolina Survivors who have been living in homeless conditions, ignored by the Biden and Harris administration, but no more as he has provided apartments for them to live within until they recuperate: https://www.tiktok.com/@unheardpatriot12/video/7463627125266861358?lang=en
Follow this link to watch a rapest being detained by ICE: https://x.com/endwokeness/status/1883682412644974874?s=42
Trump removes us from the W.H.O. which were going to place in FEMA camps during the Covid-10 pandemic: https://www.tiktok.com/@newsweek/video/7462330381681855790?is_from_webapp=1&sender_device=pc&web_id=7154848891053327915
Thank you for joining us at the Inauguration and Ball, beloved Laura Eisenhower, beautiful Ryan Haddon, and special thanks to the A.U.R.A. Hypnosis Healing practitioners who made this happen! The A.U.R.A. practitioners have truly become a divine unstoppable force all over Earth, making miracles happen all in the name of the divine collective ascension!
Does anyone else feel like they have been holding their breath for 4 years, and now you can finally breathe!?
I love you, honor you, and respect you!
To watch my entire journey at the Trump Inauguration and MAHA Robert Kennedy ball follow this link: https://rumble.com/v6cnzkp-my-trip-to-the-trump-inauguration-and-kennedy-maha-ball.html
𝓐𝓾𝓻𝓸R𝓪 ♥️
Author of "Galactic Soul History of The Universe" Book Series
Founder of A.U.R.A. Hypnosis Technique & Rising Phoenix Mystery School
#mahaball #trump #covid #covidvaccine
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