Certifications- Quantum Akashic Alchemy & Channeling
This Certification Course is ONLY available through 'Rising Phoenix Aurora' Patreon Tier 10, beginning 10/1/2020.
Greetings! This tier is a 2 month Tier commitment to become certified through both "Quantum Akashic Alchemy" and "Quantum Alchemy Channeling" as they are a package course for the Akashic Certification. Open enrollment begins 10/1/2020. Ensure to sign up with 2 weeks worth of available homework time, so that you may start on your Sound & Symbol Alchemy teachings. Classes are at 4:00 pm central time, once a month for 3-4 hours on the 4th Sunday of every month
It is an honor to be sharing and debuting our new course of "Quantum Akashic Alchemy" with the world. This course has been created from a versatile of ancient alchemy teachings from Kabbalistic wisdom, The Essenes, Egypt, Atlantis, Elohim, multi-race of Benevolent Universal Beings. Attuning and connecting you to the ancient sacred teachings of 'The Kabbalah' and how to go into the Akashic of the 88 constellations and beyond of yourself and your clients sacredly/safely.
- 1st Class "Quantum Alchemy Channeling" Certification Class 10/25/2020
- 2nd Class "Quantum Akashic Alchemy" Certification Class 11/29/2020
Note: If and ONLY you are certified through "Quantum Alchemy Channeling" you do not need to attend the 1st class. However, we do ask that you review this certification once more to be prepared for the "Quantum Akashic Alchemy" Certification class.
Open enrollment cycles to sign up occur on April & October of every year.
You will enjoy venturing into the possibilities and wisdom of the Galactic Histories of the Universe. Meet a new benevolent alien race every day, learn how they work and what they can assist with. The most important part will be to aid others to connect with glimpses of who they are beyond the stars.
When others can’t connect, we can provide these peek-a-boo moments that connect them deeper and closer to their memories. When a soul begins to remember itself puzzle piece by puzzle piece, it experiences divine activations, downloads, and integrations of their memory complex. We remember that we had never forgotten ourselves; it was just the illusion that we had through Earth’s false society programming. We remember the infinite beauty, strength, and how loved we are in the Universe.
Limited space available. Once your 2 months is complete you will have to go under your profile and change this Tier to any other or the $4.44 or delete your Tier all together.
What is unique about this Quantum Akashic Alchemy Training is that you are not just learning how to give Akashic Readings to your clients, but you will also receive:
- "Quantum Akashic Alchemy" Certification $444.44 Value
- "Quantum Alchemy Channeling" Certification $255.55 Value
- Attunement to the ancient sacred teachings of the Kabbalah/Tree of Life/Tree of Knowledge.
- 100 sacred never before shared alchemy symbols. 88 of them being alchemy symbols, learning to weave safely through the 88 constellations of life.
- Learning to travel in the Theta brainwave consciously (same as past life regression) into the Akashic of self and others.
- Types of Spiritual Architects and how to read them. A coder, catalyst, activator, light warrior, crystal, indigo, empath, rainbow, seer, transmuter..
- Step by step instruction on how to travel sacredly through your clients past and future lives of Earth’s Galactic History as Lemuria, Atlantis, the 5th - 13th dimension and beyond.
- To connect your client with their magical friends as dragons, griffins… and their animal totem.
- Does your client have a twin flame here in this earthly incarnation?
- The Stars and The Creation Story like never told before.
- How to connect with the Beings through frequencies, vibrations, signatures, your senses within your third-eye/indigo & heart/emerald rays.
- How to activate your clairaudience, clairvoyance, claircognizance, clairsentience...
- Sacred Alchemy Symbols that you will receive are created for each of these chakras connecting your 12 strand DNA:
- The 6th Chakra, the symbol from Egypt, awakening, activating, and aligning your 6 senses.
- The 7th Chakra, the symbol of Creation, Creating the beginning of the strong connection to your Higher Self and the Cosmic Gateway of infinite knowledge.
- The 8th Chakra Inner Earth Star symbol activates your spiritual skills and your divine love. Amplifying your 6 senses. Pushing through strong fear.
- The 9th chakra is from Arcturians/Krysta. It will help awaken your soul’s blueprint, skills, your abilities. It will start awakening memories/knowingness from your past/future lifetimes. It starts activating your clairs. (clairaudience etc.)
- The 10th chakra is from “The Gatekeeper of the Arcturians”. It helps you with completion, creativity/creational flow. Helps you gain your sovereignty back.
- The 11th chakra. It advances your spiritual skills. This is when you start working with telepathy, bilocation, telekinesis, and astral travel.
- The 12th chakra. The Angelic Elohim 12 point star, Elder 13 Keys star. Connecting to the 12 DNA strands, Cosmic Gateway, Earth chakras, Earth’s Ley Lines, Cosmic Webbing, and our Galactic Origin.
- Bonus - Infinity Viewing Symbol to amplify your clairvoyance at its greatest!
- Spiritual Basics through Meditation, Crystals, Mantras, with step by step guidance, using a combination of Sound & Symbol Alchemy.
- 8 hour total in Classes.
- Itinerary with step by step teachings.
- Alchemical breakdown of the Eye of Horus.
- 6-12 chakra Alchemy symbols and techniques to develop.
- Invisibility shields and energy force fields.
- To open your hand chakras & “I AM Source” Creator Love/Light.
- Activate your Merkaba, work with your toroidal sphere.
- Connect to your psychic gifts, astral travel, telepathy.
Zoom link to join class will be posted in Patreon the day of meeting. If you are unable to attend, no worries the classes will be recorded to watch when convenient and to keep for your records. A google email will be required for this Tier.
When you purchase this Tier, it includes the Tier 1: Exclusive Videos, once a month Live Q & A with Aurora & Guided Meditations.