If you are still questioning President Trump’s benevolence, then know that I am questioning yours, and this is why! I challenge you to keep reading. There were 300,000 children who went missing a couple months before election day 2025. This number of missing children was archived in the government database, and I want to point out strongly that this was only a couple months before Joe Biden and Kamala Harris' terms were about to end. Sadly, know that there were millions of children human sex trafficked just alone in their 4 year term, not including Obama’s 8 year term. So, this is why I question you. Looking around on social media there are still people that claim they are human...
I awoke from within the Multiverse today, as I watched the Archon/artificial intelligence magician, at its weakest point, which is occurring within the now time and space. Divine Mother The Phoenix, The Daughter Flame was in her Multiversal eternal Phoenix flamed form, ignited and shifting rapidly through dimensions of time, and space. I watched as the Archon would try to follow her and attack her, but IT couldn’t! IT was incredibly weakened. And, this is why… We live within the Multiverse, within this Earth, that is unified with all other versions of parallel Earths, like onion layers, quantumly multiple Earths within each other. In this Earth and other third dimensional Earth’s who were once originally fifth dimensional, exist all of...
We can’t just go from one extreme to another, from the 3rd dimension and jump straight into the 5th dimension on Earth. That is not how it works spiritually or scientifically. Mother Earth must level up one decimal at a time, otherwise it would be too detrimental for the souls in this construct. Scientifically, the consciousness and 3rd dimensional physical body cannot withstand rapid changes into instant higher realms, we must recalibrate and adjust to higher energies, one day at a time. Becoming and returning back to crystalline, one microcell at a time. Adjust one frequency at a time, which ultimately adjusts your being and your DNA in preparation for your individual or collective ascension. Everything is a divine process,...
Your browser does not support JavaScript! JavaScript is needed to display this video player! I had the honor of meeting Laura Eisenhower, finally in person. I am not easily wowed, however I was while being in her presence. When I see her, I see a warrior of love, a gigantic pure heart, and a protector of humanity. We have had a soul connection from the beginning of coming into awareness of each other this life, but truly so many past lives prior. Besides myself I have never met someone so hardworking and dedicated to humanity and the collective, as Laura. I never needed to meet Laura in person to know who she was, because I know heart...
We have been waiting for you to out yourselves, and now you have! And, this list will continue to grow as these dark people choose their sides. Want to know where the recent 325,000 children who have gone missing, who were sex trafficked at the Mexican borders by the Biden/Harris/Obama administration? Ask these ring leaders of human traffickers, Mexican celebrities! This recent group of children are just the few who have gone missing at these borders! Look it up, these are facts in the data found in Washington. Ask these Mexican soulless celebrities where the children are at? The minute they cross the border these celebrities, in the shadow, traffic the children through their inverted systems. Each corrupt politician and...